Contact us

Articles, contributions:
Liane O'Brien,
PO Box 58,
NSW 2076 Australia
Phone: (02) 9113 2163
Fax: (02) 9113 3935

Membership – $15 to
PO Box 58,
NSW 2076 Australia


Volunteer Registration Form

We are looking for volunteers to help the committee in the lead up to the information day, as well as on the day it self. Any assistance that you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

Please complete the registration form below, so that we may contact you to discuss your availability further.



We are looking for donations of products, services or vouchers to go towards our raffle to be held on our Information Day. All donations will be acknowledged at the time of the raffle, or kept anonymous if desired.

Please contact us at to donate to our raffle. Thank you.

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